
This Investor Presentation is being distributed between the proposed sponsors to assess their interest For investment in Pangaea Tokens . The contents of this Investor Presentation have been compiled by Pangaea Team on the basis of information and documents obtained from a variety of sources, which constitute confidential information and is to be used solely For the purpose of evaluating an investment in Optika tokens. Furthermore, the Investor Presentation is intended to assist the Recipient in making their own independent evaluation of the business, and does not purport to contain all the information that all prospective investors may require.

This Investor Presentation includes certain statements, estimates, analysis and projections that might change in the Future depending on the situation. Neither Pangaea, nor any of their affiliates or advisors have independently verified these estimates, analysis and projections, and accordingly they do not express any opinion or provide any form of assurance, so all the decisions you make based on provided information is at your own risk. Nothing contained in this Investor Presentation is or should be relied upon as a promise or representation in respect of the future prospects of the project.

Pangaea and their respective affiliates and advisors expressly disclaim any and all liability that may be based on any errors or omissions From, or mistakes in assumptions with respect to any information, estimates, analysis or projections contained in this Investor Presentation or any other written or oral communication transmitted.

Last updated